Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Romantically Apocalyptic
Cake = best weapon ever
Captain is pondering 
This comic is beautiful. What? I need more? Fine. The artist Vitaly.S.Alexius has used Photoshop, live actors, greenscreen, a camera, stock photos and a Wacom table to create a bleak and desolate world almost devoid of all life and hope. Never before have I seen an apocalypse so fully realized. It would almost be depressing if it wasn't hilarious. But we'll get to that.
Romantically Apocalyptic is a triumph on its art alone. It is technically brilliant, evocative and each location tells a story. The world feels empty and that's something most post-apocalypse fiction fails at doing.
Fuck you Bay! This is how you do action not that shit that Transformers 2 was!
Remember how I said it was hilarious? Well I was wrong. Its beyond that. It made me, and I use this term with great reluctance, laugh out loud. I don't mean a giggle or two I mean a proper belly laugh. Its a clever person making a character do stupid things but with just the right level of competence to not make him annoying. We have Captain as the star of the show. Unhinged and somehow in charge, he leads our motley band. Pilot, equally unhinged yet not nearly as capable of inducing pants stealing madness as Captain is. Rounding off our merry band is Sniper AKA Mr Snippy who is the only sane one of the lot and Captains long suffering companion.
I won't say anything else since I don't want to spoil anything. Do yourself a favor and have a look. You won't regret it I promise.


Side Quest
Keeping with the end of the world vibe I bring you such fantastic games such as

Project Zomboid
The story of how you died. Currently in Pre-Alpha stage but has a Minecraft style pay to play as its developed style.


The Dead Linger
Minecraft + Zombies + Free Form barricading = a very exciting new indie game. Another one still not in the Alpha stage but it will likely be available near the end of the year. I'll be doing a preview when (and if) it reaches that stage.

One Chance
The World will end in Six days. You have one chance (Truer than you think).

Pandemic 2
Play the role of a virus and wipe out humanity as fast as you can.

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