Monday, 17 October 2011

Holy Shit its picture book time!
Here at Hugs and Firearms tower, I like to take  a moment out of my busy day of making love to multiple women in my Vineyard to tell you about comics. I have 2 new books for you.  For now we enjoy some police brutality with Officer Downe and later on we have some time travel mind fuckery with The Infinite.

Officer Downe
Now that's a Dynamic Entry!

"Hello, badass. You ready to crush criminal cranium? Next stop----the armory. The skells and the shitheads...they're packing like a third world country. In their warped minds, they've convinced themselves they own the city. Makes me sick. But I'm here to take it all back. Fuck yeah."
Thats the narration Officer Terrance Downe says to himself as he prepares to go out and fight crime. Why? Because he is a psychopath. An immortal psychopath. Thanks to a handy combination of 100 of the worlds most powerful telekinetics and the Resurrection Equation.With it Downe can be healed of any wound, even death itself is a temporary hindrance. Which is good considering Downe's policing style is.....unconventional.

Leeroy would be proud
Downe clearly does not fuck about. LA is on its knees at the crime lords of the Fortune 500, who are animals for some strange reason, and Downe is the police's secret weapon against them. He never stops. He never compromises. He is an absolute and even death itself cannot stop him. The Fortune 500 are determined to find a way to change that.
Should be interesting
A simple yet really colorful art style rounds off this brutal tribute to every mans idea of what being a Policeman should be like. If you've every imagined punching holes in walls and gunning down criminals while screaming "I AM THE LAW!!!!" then this is for you. The plot is simple (So far) and the action is gloriously over the top, heads are punched off for god's sake. Officer Downe epitomises every man's (and perhaps women, I can't speak for them) wish to be a complete and utter badass. If this sounds like your sorta thing then I highly recommend this book.

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