Monday, 26 September 2011

Battling my way through hell and for once I don't mean Glasgow.

Imagine this, one day I'm having a look on the Steam store until I notice something. Steam has DOOM for sale. For a fiver. It is Windows 7 compatible. Once I got back from the hospital from a nostalgia induced heart attack I promptly bought and downloaded it. I'll tell you this. It has aged very well. So for our German friends who have recently had DOOM un-banned from only being sold in adult only stores I bring you this review.
"This hand holds my gun. I need the other to carry all the fucks I don't give." - Doom guy
Back in the day DOOM was the big dog. Question is can it still go toe to toe with today's razzle dazzle, Russian shooting, Fing this, shitting that, recharging health, chainsaw bayoneting, sniper camping, l33tSparTanBlackOpsSniperDragonXtreme98, there must be an explosion every five minutes or I lose interest games of today? Oh yes, and then some. The graphics are still pleasing enough to the eye and the gibs? Oh how I missed you!
I'm I the only one getting an erection from this?
DOOM has always stood out in my mind for its Techno-Satanic style. A style that sorely needs to be used again in games (Even books or films. I'll take anything.) since there isn't nearly enough Sci-Fi Gothic horror in the world. It was also one the first games to use variable light settings which is still as effective at giving me the shits as it was back in the day.
The guns have a meaty feel to them to the point that firing the Rocket Launcher will send you back a few feet. It also features the best Shotgun in gaming history. Many a gamer's love affair with the Shotgun is because of this game. I can't remember being able to move this fast in a game. Doom guy sprints everywhere which becomes very useful when your dodging fire balls.
DOOM isn't the most complex of games so there isn't much else I can say about it. Things that where groundbreaking back in the day aren't worth mentioning now. Is DOOM a game you should try if you never have? But of course. Any self respecting gamer should at least once try out the grandaddy of shooters. You can get the first episode free as shareware about the internet. If you have played it, is it time to track it down and mow down the hordes of hell with a chaingun like days yonder? I'll let this picture sum up my argument.


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